You know it's so weird how there is something good to be found in every situation. I know that it is hard t find at times. Especially when something horrific is happening in the moment, but it's true. My most recent example of this is my new Great friend, Erin. You see, recently a friend of mine had informed me that another friend of mine had "supposedly" said and done some horribly crazy things about me. And out pf that situation, though I was hurt, came out something great. A really good friend.
So to you new friend, I have to say, I am really glad that I was bashed, and I really am glad that we are friends. You make me laugh daily, and your kids are so much fun! I love your family and I am so glad to be able to know all of you. Not to mention, Elijah is super cool! And he loves my kisses!
I also would like to take this time to point out that I am really corny, but my mom always raised me to make sure that the people I love know how I feel. That way God forbid something happen someday everyone know just how I felt. I try to live my life by that rule... Well all kinds of rules really, but that is one of them.
And moving on, let's talk about some other people in my life that mean alot to me... Fawn, though we are classic opposites, we still somehow work out. I don't know what I would do without you, and can barely remember my life before you. Your kids are amazing and I love Joe too. You guys inspire me to be a better family. You remind me everyday to let the little things go, and to always love my husband. I love that you can't hold a grudge. I even love that you won't let your kids get dirty, but I notice you loosening up when it comes to those things and I love that too...
Cassie... What can I say... I love that you know when to leave me alone, and when not to. You know me in and out, and its just because you are observent. You can read me like a book and I always know that you got my back. You are never afraid to tell me that I am an asshole and you always support every decision, even if you don't agree with it. You are an awesome friend, and I am lucky to have you. I love Dustin and you the kids, (Even though Delaney gets too close to Greg sometimes) I even love when Delaney gets sad because I didn't say goodbye the right way. I hope that you know, I will always be here, to help you anyway I can.... If you need me!
And I would like to make sure that I recgonize my mom. The absolute most amazing person I have ever known. Keep fighting.. I need you and can't even imagine life without you. You are my truest best friend, my absolute soul mate. I know that this life will not be the end of our journey, but I still value each moment of it. I can always count on you. No matter what. I love to be around you, you make me laugh and cry and feel good and angry and give me so much love that only a mother, best friend , sister could do. You've walked with me through every trial I have faced throughout my life, and gave the ability to come out on top. You taught me how to love, laugh, care, cry, change... so many things, You gave me faith in God and showed me what it means to be a good person. I would have been lost and am so glad I had you as a mother to guide me through life. I love you mom, and I hope you keep fighting....
I don't want to forget to mention my amazing husband and beautiful kids, but they won't read this, so I don't think it matters. I gush about them enough, I am pretty sure everyone knows how I feel!
Well if I didn't mention you don't think I don't love you. I am sure that there will be future blogs with my weirdness soon. So Erin I'm so glad we are getting to know eachother, Fawn you are fantastic and I love you, Cassie... You are the bomb, and Momma, you are the best and so amazing! I love you guys!
She's Leaving Home
9 years ago
I think Elijah's super cool too. (That was my way of acknowledging how wonderful your post was without getting emotional about it)
Awwww.....I love that I am in your post. Not that often that someone talks about me in a positive way haha!
Love you!!!
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