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So, I always said that I would always rather have a messy than give up time with my children. When Noah was born I found it so important that he grew up knowing how much I loved him. I never wanted him to question that fact. I'd spend countless hours playing and cuddling and watching movies, I totally forgot, how important it is to make sure they know that being disgusting isn't right either. I am now very aware of messes. I no longer wish to live that way. Don't get me wrong I still want them to know how much I love them, and I still don't want to have any regrets about spending time with them, but I don't want them to be embarrassed to have friends over or be smelly. Or anything like that, and though I have improved a great bit, as far as keeping things clean, I'm still lazy... So what's the answer. I always think about getting up a couple hours earlier than the kids to get everything caught up, but I don't sleep well at night, so that seem to be out of the question. i would like to be able to stay up a little bit after they go to bed, but because I don't sleep I'm too tired... How do I keep my house clean without compromising my time spent with my kids? It's a question I would love to have some answers on. SO if any of you out there have any suggestions, please do NOT hesitate to let me know! Or at least some advice on ho to sleep better so I can wake up early, or anything! Thanks!!!
Noah is such a cool little boy. He's got so much personality , and heart. He loves to make people laugh and will do whatever it takes to get a giggle. He's got a smile that could light up the world, and he never seizes to amaze me. We spend most of out days laughing and being silly. He helps me cook and clean, and I love to do little things to make him happy. Like taking the car through the car wash, ever once in awhile. He thinks thats so cool...
Some days we eat popsicles all day, just because we can. Or potato chips for breakfast. I let him wear his snow boots if that's what he wants, because no matter how silly he might look, that's him and that's the way I love him!
Every morning he wakes up and comes in my bed, lifts up the blankets, and snuggles in beside me. We lay in my bed and just hold each other for at least a half of an hour. Then we go into Mylee's room and he says, "Good morning Mylee, my little sweet face!" Sometimes he gets in her crib and they play together, sometimes we go downstairs.
Every moment we spend together I fall more in love with him. I go to bed every night thanking God for giving me such a wonderful little boy. Being a parent truly is amazing, especially when the time is taken to really enjoy children. There's so much to enjoy and learn from them.
Every day I learn something new from Noah. Sometimes its how to be patient, sometimes its how to have fun, or smile on a horrible day. He teaches me how to laugh, and especially he has taught me all I ever needed to know about how to love. He really is th coolest ever!
Recently a few old friends have rekindled our friendships. It's so nice to have theses people a part of my life at all, let alone a bigger part these days. My best friend, as everyone knows, is my mother, and some day she won't be here.. Regardless... That's just the natural order of things, and though I hope I have the kind of relationship with my kids as my mom has with me, I am still going to need friends, other than them. It's nice to know, that I do!
I know I talk about it all the time, but i have to say it once again, I have been blessed in so many different ways. Don't get me wrong, I have struggled and seen my share of horrible things, but always have been blessed. The only difference is before I didn't see it. My life is not even close to perfect my all means, but somehow, the inperfections don't really seem to matter as much. Don't misunderstand me, I freak out and over react. I act like a complete moron, and vision my whole world coming to an end, but then I regroup and realize that there are so many more important things. It's hard to remember how great your life really is at times.. Just like a great marriage, its something that needs to be really worked at!
I'm lucky to have a great family, great friends, and new friends.... To Melody and Erin, I'm glad you guys decided you wanted to be a part of my life, and me a part of yours! I think you are wonderful and look forward to tons of fun!
There are so many things I could say today. I have lots I would like to vent, but its at the expense of others feelings... I could discuss my children and their ailments, but that's boring... I don't really have anything worth discussing at all.... So until I have something to discuss that isn't going to cause drama, or bore anyone... I'm here to say, I am alive, just not interesting....
Maybe tomorrow!