Saturday, July 26, 2008


What is family? According to Webster's dictionary, definition 3 its a "group of people who are related by marriage or common ancestors; relatives; clan." That's what we all say. But why is it when family is supposed to mean so much to us all that they are the ones to treat everyone poorly! Last night I spent some time with a part of my "family" that live out of town. I always thought that for the most part these two weren't real big on me, and last night they made it obvious. They make no attempt to be friendly or even include my family in their activities, they think we are beneath them. And the best part is they don't even know me or my husband, kids, or even my siblings. I guess that's what makes me so upset. If they knew me and then decided they didn't want to associate with me, whatever. But i am a good person and maybe I'm not rich like them, but I have so much more.
I don't understand how these people can be so "concerned" with family and yet treat some of them so poorly.
Which brings me to what I think family is, or at least should be. I think its people who love, respect and care for each other. People who would help others out of a jam if they could. People who play with one another's kids and babysit. People who trust each other, and enjoy each other. Who treat one another kindly and with love. So I say to all the people who are family to me and my family. Thank you, and here are your props!
Joe, Fawn, Zach, Aubrie, Logan and new baby.... (maybe) We love you guys. We couldn't be more thrilled that we are so close! We love to spend time with you, and love to get the kids together! Joe you are one of the best uncles in the world! You never act put out, when we need your help, you enjoy them and Greg always says he considers you a brother more than a cousin! Fawn, you are an amazing friend, even when you don't agree with me you are supportive! I appreciate you more than you ever know! You are a great aunt, and I am so glad that we moved to Arlington, with out that I don't think we'd be as close as we are. I look forward to thousands of your calls a day. Zachary, you are the best big cousin in the world. You are so helpful, and loving. Even though Noah is younger than you, you play with him like he's your best friend. You are patient and wonderful! Always helpful with Mylee! You are such a wonderful boy and I enjoy you so much! Aubrie, oh Aubrie... you have the most amazing stories, you are so full of life and you are so fun! You are a great big cousin too, and Mylee loves you so much! I can't wait to see the woman you become, and so proud of how wonderful you have become this past year, you've become such a big girl. Logan, you are so funny. You are becoming such a great little boy, you have smile that could light up the darkest night! And new baby (maybe) I can't wait to meet you...
Winklers.... Cassie, you are one of the best people I know, you are always there no matter what. You defend my honor, and are completely loyal,. I know that you genuinely love my children, as does Dustin... Who is always playing with with the kids, and you are so supportive, and always listen to my stupid stories. You guys treat us like family, and we think of you that way. Delaney you are such a nice girl, and so patient with the other kids, Camden... what to say.... you are a wild man, but I love you and your kisses, and you are so full of life... Paxton.. I love you and I hope the rest of your life is easier!
Mom... well that would be such a long thank you. I hope that you know how amazing I think you are... Amy... and your family....
I guess my point is, I don't need these people who don't actually like me or respect me, because I have so many people in my life that love me and are more family then I could ever call some of my actual family. I'm so incredibly lucky to have you people in my life, I don't know why I would ever sweat a bunch of jerks. Thanks so much guys for being amazing, and for the people not mentioned, I am sorry, my baby is crying, but I hope that you know I love you and if not I know that within due time, I will make sure you know!
Here's to real family!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Slim fast update

Not doing so good with my slim fast plan. I will get back on track Monday! I was sick, Mylee's sick, Greg was being a weinie, and I started my period! I am not too worried about losing weight this week. I am only worried about not going insane, which I am afraid might happen if I have to be worried about my fat ass!
Besides I need junk to get through my period! I am an emotional wreck when it comes to this time of the month. Yesterday I yelled at Noah and then spent twenty minutes holding him and crying making sure he knew I loved him... No JOKE! We cried together for a long time, and that was just one of the many times I cried!
But I will get through it, with the help of chocolate and McDonald's and I swear on my girl scout honor (?) that I will continue the weight loss plan next week! So here is to Monday, with our slim fast optima shakes in the air! CHEERS!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not a drama free day at all

Drama free day.... Ha! It was anything but. I wake up, and go down stairs to find my house in absolute shambles, because while I was sick, no one could possibly do anything... Then my landlords call and say that they talked to my husband the night before and are coming over. So absolutely horrified that Greg had this information and still didn't do anything around the house when I was sick, I call him to find out why he would do something like that. To which he responded.... well let's just say not in a good way! So as I am trying to scurry along and get the house clean, Mylee wakes up. I run up the stairs and what do I find.? My seven month year old baby covered in poop, head to toe!, I throw her clothes away, yes they were that bad, and throw her in the bath tub; while Noah stands in front of the bathroom reminding me that Mylee is "gross" and "that stinks" I burnt my cookies, got soap all over my shirt, started my period in the grocery line, get a stomach ache, then Greg comes home and acts like a duesche bag. I don't know what his problem was but was being a jerk! I leave because Noah is yelling at him to "stay away from me right now!" and we have no where to go, so we go to the drive inn, but it's freezing outside and I didn't bring any jackets or blankets. Then we are way too early for the movie, we already saw the second movie, a cop followed me the whole way home, then to my surprise the house is exactly as I left it, even though that's what Greg was all puffy about. Apparently it wasn't bad enough for him to do something about it. Now I have nowhere to sleep because retard is all over my bed, and is impossible to wake up, and all I want to do is go to sleep for about thirty seven years.....
Hope tomorrow isn't so horrible!


I am so tired of drama! Every place I look there is drama! Every single part of my life is so dramatic... All I want to do is pack up my family and and move to the beach. Just the four of us! we could spend time together as a family, and not talk to anyone unless we want to. Sounds beautiful to me! But I do know that drama will find me everywhere I go! Thanks for letting me vent... Here's to a drama free day!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


That is what I feel like right now. I am sick, sick, sick! My chest hurts, it feels like someone is sitting on it. My nose is stuffed up and starting to hurt from blowing it like a thousand times. My head feels like its going to explode, and my lips are so chapped they are starting to bleed from walking around with my mouth wide open. All I want to do is lay in bed and sleep, but I can't.... I can however, order pizza for dinner for my family and go to bed when Greggy poo comes home! I hope no one else gets sick!
I also hope I feel better really soon!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Week one.... results

So week one of the slim fast challenge is over. Let me start by saying, I did not do well sticking to the plan this weekend... Like not at all, but today I am back on track. That seems to be one of the great things about this program. It still works when you stray.
I still haven't bought a scale, but I took my measurements and here it is:

Waist: 31 in.
Belly: 36 in.
Butt: 40.5 in.
Right Thigh: 24 in.
Left Thigh: 24.5 in.
Right Arm: 12 in.
Left Arm: 11.5 in.

My pants are already getting looser! And I don't feel so gross! So here's to the next week!