Things that make me happy!
my amazing children. Mylee's laugh, Noah's snow boots, Greg's lips, Great memories, My friendship with my mother, God's love, my nieces and nephews, cherry tree blossoms, watermelon, ice cold sweetened tea, garlic, The flaming lips, Jack Johnson, myspace, blogging, smiley faces, cozy comforters, cuddling, hot chocolate and toast, the sweet spot in my bed, Greg's hands, spring, a clean house, (especially if I don't have to clean it) camping, the beach, the smell of sunscreen, Mylee's fuzzy head, Noah's smile, Austin's freckles, Sarah's lasagna, My faith, Christmas, Halloween costumes, Ghost hunters, Charmed, Patsy Cline, Dreams about Grandma, The way Mylee's little toes wrap around my nose when I kiss her feet, Tim's kindness, Fawn's laugh, When Zach plays with Noah, and fights with Aubrie over who gets to sit by him, Aubrie's stories, Logan's phone calls, Camden's kisses, love, Big hugs, Serenity's smile, Daddy's love, Mom's turkey, Aunt Chris' mashed potatoes and gravy, being right, being told I'm beautiful, mom's bed, good movies, bathes, nights out, dates, strawberries, pie.... I love pie, other people's pets, toddlers, potty trained kids! Laying in bed with Greg joking around and laughing, long talks, walks, Moraine, picnics, cars that run, baby ruths, pictures, good friends, rainbows, when Noah tickles me... there's so much more... to be continued....
She's Leaving Home
9 years ago
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