Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Monday morning I drive my little man to school, meet up with my fantastic friend Fawn at the mall, and go shopping for an outfit for a wedding this weekend. After two hours of searching and trying things on, which I hate, we finally found something. Then we bought the cutest shoes and necklace to go with the dress... I get in my car, pick Noah up from school and start driving. Because it was so beautiful Monday I told Noah we could go to the park for an hour, so I turn onto Duffy Rd. As I wait at the stop light beside Walgreens I remember thinking how lucky I am to have such a nice life. Though things rarely ever go my way I do have some pretty amazing things. The light turns green and I start to make a left hand turn and I hear "chug, chug, chug, chug, chug" I panic and pull over in the verizon parking lot, open my car door, and see that my tire is completely flat!
Of course I shut my cell phone off and didn't have any change... Even if there was a pay phone anywhere. So instead of being the emotional mess I usually am, I packed up the things I needed, pulled out the stroller, and got the kids ready for the walk of there lives. Noah cried for fifteen minutes because we were leaving the car and he didn't understand why... I then had to carry him on my back as I pushed Mylee's stroller. Then while I am behind Rey Azteca, a mexican man starts following me and yelling things at me in Spanish... I finally get to the crossing of New Castle and Noah tries to stop in the middle of the road. Paniced I yell at him and only make matters worse. For you who knoe Noah you know that he is very sensitive and yelling isn't the way to get him to do anything. He just shuts down. So I had to drag him on my leg while trying to run across New Castle St. We finally make it and after a lengthy hug, Noah and I had made amends and walked to Greg's grandma's apartment which conveniantly located across the street from Alameda Park. Of course she's not home so we go to the park and play. I call Greg using my debit card, and tell him what is going on. We play for two hours and decide to see if Greg's grandma is home yet. She's not so we sit down for minute at the bus stop, and a bus comes... SO we get on it. GOd sends you help, you take it. So we are half way there and Noah starts squirming. He has to go to the potty. The squirming gets worse and he is almost in tears. IAs I , and the rest of the patrons on the bus comfort and route Noah on to keep holding, Mylee is trying to climb my face and screaming! Wonderful. So we get to the bus station and run to the bathroom and NOah gets sweet relief. I chechk the bus schedule to see what time the next bus comes, and we have to wait a half of an hour.... Wjhat am I going to do with a four year old and a one year old for a half of an hour, so we decide to walk home...Yes that means walking up Cebter Ave. hill... YIKES! Because Noah does so well, I decide to reward him with a donut, and we start up the hill. The whole way up, he's crying, "I'm tired Mom MOM" "Please hugg-ed me" "please Mom mom" SO we finally get to the top of the hillafter abou tan hour, and we see the house! VICTORY. We walk in the door, and Noah turns around and he has peed his pants! What a day!
The point of the story is during the majority of theis very long day... I tried hard to keep my cool! God was truley walk ing with us on Monday. He kept me calm, and Noah strong, So thank you Lord, for never letting me down! And for sending the bus at the right time! That was awesome!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finally Poopie

Finally we got some poopy from Mylee.... It had been an entire week since Mylee had a bowel movement. Despite the suppository, the miralax, pedia lax and tons of plum juice and baby prunes she couldn't go. I took her to the doctor Monday morning and much to my surprise I walk in to find out Mylee and Noah's insurance has been cancelled. BEAUTIFUL!!! After a few uncontrollable tears the nurse at Dr Selvaraj's office gave me a few pointers. No apples or bananas, and Miralax for three days as well as white group juice and pear juice... Today was day three and it wasn't looking promising.. untill abou tfive o'clock, and Mylee had one of the biggest... you know what.... I have ever seen. It must have been her blockage because I haven't seen anyone poop so much. It's been diahrea city! But she is a great mood now and seems to feel so much better. Poor little girl! But thank GOD that she is feeling better! We love Miralax!! YAY!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Poor little bummies

So Mylee has a slight comstipation problem, and by slight I mean big problem. She has these tiny, and I mean tiny little poops several times a day, (and it is never enough) then gets diaper rash, from the constant wiping. We have tried just about evrything to make her sore bum better, but everything has failed. We have put cornstarch to A & D ointment, Butt paste, all sorts of things. So I am at the store yesterday or tThursday or sometime and I was walking through the aisle at Target that has all of the Burt's Bees products. (We are slowly converting to ALL green products) And notice a diaper rash cream. Now don't get me wrong, it was pretty expensive, but I bought it anyways, (it was also on clearance) Came home and used it right away. Although her precious little tushy wasn't 100%, the next morning it looked fabulously better! And the product is all natural. AMAZING!!!! It doesn't use as much as the other creams we've used because its thicker and gives Mylee a little aroma of chamomile, which keeps me a little calmer. I'm never going back. I'll use it for life. The ingredients are: sweet almond oil, zinc oxide, beeswax, lavandin, hybrida oil, jojoba oil, chamomile flower extract, calundela flower extract, lavendar oil, tocophrel, canola oil, rosmary leaf extract, and soybean oil. It is not tested on animals, the package is made of 38% recycled plastics and can be recycled again. I beleive that it is gluten free, for any kids with celiac disease and it smells great! so if aanyone is having bottom problems I highly recommend this product... So go now, soft tushies all around!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My sister

Well I guess I didn't do it right, and I can't figure it out. I guess a career with computers is out of the queswtion. It's crazy cause my sister is amazing at computers. Well actually she is pretty much amazing at everything she does. I have never seen anyone like her. SHe can do anything and she has this way of making things happen for her. She can play any instrument. (Maybe not the violin, but I'm not sure she has tried) And she can play them well. She's artistic and creative. She sews, she can create web pages and what not. She is kind and gentle, forgiving. She's not judging. She accepts people for the way they are. In a lot of ways she is like a child. She gets angry quickly, but can let it go just as fast. She loves with all of her heart wether its practical or not. Sure she has made some mistakes but she tries hard to correct them. That's more than I can saay about a lot of people. She's an inspiration really. I mean, I can't make anything happen.
Sarah and I didn't spend alot of time getting along through out our lives. We were always too different, and I am always too judgemental. My biggest fault, I think. Honestly I don't think I ever did anything to even make her like me, and yet she forgives me and loves me time and again. We completely different. We always have been, and I guess I let that get into the way of any positive relationship sisters can have. I accept that for the most part if not all of the part that our lack of relationship os my fault. For not loveing and accepting her for who she is. For trying to change her into what I think is right. Foro not remembering that everyone is different and there are plenty of people who judge me just as harshly as I have been judging her. For only seeing her faults and not all of the amazing things about her! Its my fault! And she is amazing.
She still doesn't do things the way I think she should, but I am sure there are lots of things I do that she thinks should be different, and she is always there for me. Through thick and thin. SHe is truley a beautiful person. So here is what I ask of all of you! No matter who it is, take the time to find out a little about that person you should appreciate more. THe person you spend too much time judging and not enough loving. Learn to appreciate all of the great things about that person, and remember them every time you think something negative. You could be missing out on knowing a great person. Maybe one of the best in your life. Take a chance and open your heart, and if you know Sarah. Taske some time to learn about her. SHe might be a little different, but who isn't. I'm sure if you take the time to really get to know her, you'll be amazed as well! She's a great person, and I am lucky to know her let alone have her as a sister. I just wish it didn't take me twenty five years to figure it out! I also wisah she knew this blog existed... Maybe I'll let her in on it!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Captured by Kate

These are a few of my favorite photos That were Captured by my friend Kaytee. She came over and hung out for awhile while Noah didn't cooperate and still managed to get some good photos. She's amazingly talented and fair in price. I suggest hiring her! Hope you enjoy these as much as I have!... I hope I did this right